Saturday, December 13

Giving Thanks


I've been thinking about this for the past two weeks. In keeping with our family tradition - this is the time of year we think about everything we have and all we're blessed with. And, while I know it's comparatively a lot, I've had a hard time this year because I'm connected to more than a few people whose lives are filled with chaos, mayhem and tragedy.

It's really too easy (and, it seems to me, somewhat shallow and callous) to simply be grateful that its them and not me. And really all of that chaos simply makes me sad. People are baffling animals and there is simply no way of explaining the "out-of-character" actions of people you thought you knew.

But through all of this craziness, each night I come home to my family. Dave and the girls. Ollie and Guinea. Sometimes it's a little crazy with two small kids, the house is sometimes a wreck, and there always seems to be more to do than there is time - but it's still somehow peaceful. We're all on the same team - trying our best to move in the same direction.

It's a safe place.

We're all safe, supported, and needed.

This is our soft place to fall - a shield against the chaos, mayhem, and scariness of the world outside.

This is what I'm thankful for.

And a few more things I'm thankful for...,

Fellow kindergarten moms: Rene, Heidi, Miss Jill...,
The return of Miss Molly
Our new kitchen & the ultra smooth remodel process
President-elect O'Bama and VP, Biden
Change and the growth of tolerance
Ollie and Guinie
Sweet work gig
Financial stability in unstable times
Good friends - old and new


Daddy is thankful for...,

Alex. Watching her learn to read.
Rachel. Her love of dance and Miss Donna's class
Inside voices
Our home


Alex is thankful for...,

Teddy Bears & Puppies
Soccer Trophy
Mommy Daddy, Ollie, Guinea and Rachel (Not necessarily in that order)
Abby and Dylan
Rabbits and baby owls
The whole-wide world


Rachel is thankful for...,

Mommy and Daddy


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