Thursday, June 12

Treading Water

Life is what's happening when you don't have time to blog, and that's been my life these past few weeks.

After the marathon and a small media "issue" on Monday, I set off on a "work trip" to San Jose. (NOTE: When a group of four has that much fun, I'm not sure it should really be called "work." Great team!) But following three days out of the office, I'll be playing catch up for the next five. It's strange how that works.

And this week, Dave is out on a week-long business trip. It couldn't be helped, but the timing couldn't have been worse. He's missing preschool graduation and the preschool Father's Day celebration. (I get to play Dad!!)

In the midst of all this, our Condo is undergoing a slew of repairs as we get ready to place a new tenant, and we're trying to plan our kitchen remodel. It's C.R.A.Z.Y!

But life does go on and, regardless of how hard I try to stop it, the girls continue to grow up. It's times like these when I look back and appreciate all the time I had when I was home with the girls. Before going back to work, life was a lot less harried.

It's sort of a sad situation. With mom staying home, we had all the time we needed for lessons and activities, but not enough money. With two incomes, we have the money, but not enough time.


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