Tuesday, June 8


Maybe I'm alone in this - but I can't seem to come to grips with the fact that my friend is a husband stealer and that my other friend is the husband she has stolen. Yes, they are both culpable - but somehow she is more the guilty party. Her marriage was already over, and his had hit a rough spot - though not necessarily fatal, until the affair that is.

Hmmm. Why has this upset me so? I think it's because it seems that all around me marriages are crumbling. As often as not because of cheating - but for other reasons too. Noted that people in good marriages don't typically cheat - but the cheating quickly douses most if not all hopes of saving the marriage.

Are all marriages doomed to suffer this fate - and if so, why does anyone get married? How can I insulate my own marriage from this fate?

I think that's the crux of my emotional reaction. That I too will someday find myself facing this gut-wrenching pain. A pain that I don't think De Anna is feeling. She has by-passed the pain by having an affair - grabbing someone else's husband to hang onto - one that will cushion the blow.

It's unforgiveable.

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