Friday, February 27

Moms at the Park

Amy Duncan, Noelle Jue, Casey Hart


Monday, February 23

Quote for the Day


"Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you."

~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr. ~


Thursday, February 19

Going Solo


With a little help from her Dad, she's mastered the 2-wheeler!

Just two weekends and she's a master.


Tuesday, February 17

Our Newest Little Soccer Star

Starting out strong - focused and excited..,

And look at her go! She's a natural.

Takes after her big sister.

And Coach Dave rocks!

"Ok, kids. The goal is in this direction."

"Whew! Momma - this is exhausting!"

Until next week...,


Monday, February 16



Bath time with a 4-year old...,

"Hee, hee. I just tooted and it made bubbles." Giggle, giggle.


Sunday, February 15

It happened today

It happened today.

I've wondered when it would happen and whether it would be a traumatic realization, brought on by harsh teasing or a cutting, unkind remark. But it wasn't. It was just a simple and innocent acknowledgement of difference.



"I was looking at my ears today and this one's really small. It's like a baby ear."

I hope this is a sign of things to come, just simple—neutral. But we don't know. We don't know how other kids and the rest of the world will respond to the difference. Or how the difference will continue to manifest over time.

The difference doesn't matter, of course, but we just don't know what's to come.


Friday, February 13

One Proud Daddy-One Excited Girl

The first Father-Daughter dance. They couldn't have been any cuter!

And the professional photo.

Thursday, February 12

25 Things About Lil Ole Me..,


1. I am an optimistic, situational feminist.

2. Being a mom is the best thing I’ve ever done.

3. My husband does more than his share around the house, always has, and I think he’s starting to clue in.

4. I am a progressive liberal with non-traditional family values, though I value the family above all else.

5. I believe in healthy eating and exercise, though I can’t seem to bring myself to do either with any consistency.

6. Every day I get going with several cups of coffee. It’s decaf.

7. Often unaware of where my feet are, I’ve broken many toes—multiple times.

8. When I was younger I smoked clove (Djaram) cigarettes. I still love the way they smell.

9. I am happy.

10. I’m on friendly terms with everyone I’ve ever dated.

11. The first time I ever traveled by plane, I was a 21-year old on a two-month, solo trek through Europe.

12. I gave birth to two incredible, miracle children. One of whom is not genetically related to me—though I am her only mother.

13. My first real boyfriend was named “Fudge.”

14. I care what people think—though it doesn’t often change my actions.

15. I don’t think being low maintenance is a good thing.

16. Over the past 20 years I’ve come to realize it’s not the family you come from, but the family you create through friends, select relatives, spouses and children that carries you through.

17. I’m finally learning not to sweat the small stuff.

18. After the birth of my first child, I endured post-partum depression (PPD).

19. I love red skittles and taking long naps on weekend afternoons.

20. My mom, sister and I lived in a 25’x13’ trailer until I was 6 years old.

21. I have a keen appreciation for the social safety net.

22. I don’t believe that god is geographically limited. I think whatever religion we practice is, in large part, a function of where we are born and to whom we are born.

23. I want to learn Spanish, play the guitar, ride a horse and cook. Not necessarily in that order.

24. I believe that the person you chose to marry is the most important decision you will ever make.

25. My favorite word is “Banana.”


Wednesday, February 11

25 Things About Lil Ole Dave...,


**Thoughts by Dave Hart**

1. I'm not a big fan of introspection.

2. I am, however, an occasional smart ass.

3. I've written three books and didn't sell enough to cover the publisher's very modest advances. Before you ask, they are books about Macs, two of which predate Mac OS X, so they no longer have any useful information.

4. I worked three summers cleaning salmon in Alaska. I believe I have made more money heading and gutting fish than writing books. Now I'm sad.

5. These days, I have a job that I have difficulty explaining to innocent bystanders. My job title is TeraGrid Area Director of User-Facing Projects and Core Services. See? That didn't help at all, did it? Suffice it to say, I work hard to put your tax dollars to good use.

6. I would one day like to hike the Appalachian Trail, from Georgia to Maine.

7. I watch too much TV, but I can't seem to stop.

8. I've run two marathons and finished both times. I learned I'm definitely not Kenyan. Maybe I'll try again in a few years, but that's enough for now.

9. My younger daughter wants to be a unicorn when she grows up, and with advances in genetic engineering and stem cell research, who's to say she won't?

10. My older daughter was born on the same day that the Space Shuttle Columbia burned up on re-entry (Feb. 1, 2003).

11. I don't believe in omens.

12. I have bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science and I work at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. I was hired there as a writer.

13. I have virtually no interest in professional or collegiate sports. It's amazing how easy it is to find parking on Superbowl Sunday.

14. I like playing sports, though. I'm not a bad volleyball player, for a guy who's 5'8". In my youth, I competed in softball, swimming, and soccer.

15. I make terrific whole-wheat pancakes from scratch. Pretty good waffles, too.

16. I took piano all through grade school, taught by a teacher who managed to remove all joy from that activity. There was also a brief and hazily remembered clarinet period sometime before sixth grade. I still, inexplicably, have the clarinet.

17. I still have and used until last month, when it finally got a little too rusty from being stored with sweaty gym clothes, the original Masterlock combination lock I got as a freshman in high school (1981).

18. My 9-11 story: I was in San Diego, and my wife was on business travel at Comdex in Atlanta when the planes struck. She called. The best advice I have ever given: "Hang up and rent a car. Now." She and her co-workers drove home.

19. One day I hope to write a novel and have it published. So far, I've only done the former. For the latter, I surmise it would have to be a good novel.

20. I've hitchhiked in Alaska, England/Scotland, France, and Tahiti.

21. I need my coffee in the morning. Without it, by late afternoon, I exhibit all the classic symptoms of caffeine withdrawal: nausea, severe headaches, and being a whiny wuss.

22. I was paid $10 for my second short story to be published in an obscure, low-rent literary journal.

23. On my to-do list, I would like to travel and visit all seven continents. I would also like to work full-time as a freelance writer one day.

24. I am a cynical optimist.

25. My goal in my personal life is to be an excellent father and husband. I am grateful to the many men before me who have set the bar low and made this goal much easier to achieve.

**Thoughts by Dave Hart**


Saturday, February 7

Something Special About Lil' Ray Ray


She walks a bit slower (we sometimes call her miss molasses), and has an attention span that is amazing for her age. She loves art, animals and her big sister.

But there is a little something extra about Rachel. She seems to have a real appreciation for nature and her surroundings. She wakes up and looks out her window, marveling at the sunrise, she calls us all into her room to look at the colors. She stops to examine leaves on trees, odd little plants, and flowers (usually she'll pick one or two as a gift for mommy).

It's different than the normal curiosity I've seen in other kids. She seems to really appreciate her surroundings and takes extra time to take it all in.

It sometimes drives me nuts because we're usually trying to be somewhere or get something done, but I love this about her. I wish I had a little bit more of that quality. I think we all miss sooo much hurrying from one thing to the next. Maybe we should all slow down a bit, and try to be a little bit more like Rachel.
