Wednesday, August 29

Our Little Beach Baby


As I get ready to return to the workforce, Dave and I are trying to spend a little extra time with the girls. Sprinkling little extra trips and special events into these last few weeks. So, yesterday we pulled the girls out of school an hour early and headed for the beach. Rachel was just too cute, running in circles as she soaked up the sun, sand and salty wind.


Monday, August 27

A Stab of Sadness


Going out to grab something from the garage and I glanced over at the swings in our backyard. Just hanging there. Empty.

And then over at the pool. Still and quiet.

My heart felt the stab of nostalgic sadness. Had I not put my kids in school and decided to return to work those swings wouldn't be empty and our yard and pool would be filled with laughter and little girl squeals. Sooo many hours of time with my girls that they are now spending somewhere else....

And tomorrow they'll be getting ready to head off for college.

Time is too short and there are not enough hours in the day to do it all or to have it all – at once. So we've decided to do it all in shifts, and with each shift some things are gained and some things are lost.


Sunday, August 26

It's time...,

Going back to work after five years home with my girls. Yep - i found a great new gig and am excited to get started (mid-sept) but will miss all the little things too. The girls love their new 'school' and seem to be adjusting well.

I'm committing to 6 months and then we'll evaluate how it's going and decide if I should continue or return home. I am SO grateful that I have the CHOICE and the most supportive husband EVER. Those two things make my life as a mom exponentially easier. Hugs of support to all moms doing their best to be their best; for their kids, their partners and themselves. Remember - everyone counts in the family equation.


Thursday, August 23

Back in the Game


Well, less than 2 months ago I decided it was time to return to the world of suits, commutes, deadlines and take out lunches. Yes - back to the world of work.

And I did it! In less then 8 weeks, and after 5 years off(!), I landed the first position I went after!! WOOOWHOOO! A great little boost for my ego and confidence as I put myself back in the game.

BIG hugs to Dave, Deanna, Julia, Nadine and everyone who supported me and cheered me on through this process. It was a bit stressful at times, and you were all so great in helping me reach this goal. One that, at times, seemed a bit unreachable.

I'll be returning to work as a Communications Specialist for a large, national company. I'm excited, a little nervous and confident about the future - all at the same time.

The girls are in a great new school that they love, we'll be getting a BIG increase in the family income, plus additional benefits. How cool is that? And, I get to work with really cool people at a really cool company. SOOOO excited!

I'll be starting on Monday, September 10. I even know what I'm going to wear my first day. I'm going to wear my new grey suit. So chic.

Soooo excited.


WoW - I'm Really Doing This!


Well less than 2 months ago I decided it was time to return to the world of suits, commutes, deadlines and take out lunches. Yes - back to the world of work.

And I did it! In less then 8 weeks, and after 5 years off(!), I landed the first position I went after!! WOOOWHOOO! A great little boost for my ego and confidence as I put myself back in the game.

BIG hugs to Dave, Deanna, Julia, Nadine and everyone who supported me and cheered me on through this process. It was a bit stressful at times and you were all so great in helping me reach this goal, which at times seemed a bit unreachable.

I'm going to work for Kaiser as their Communications Specialist. I'm excited, a little nervous and confident about the future all at the same time.

The girls are in a great new school that they love, we'll be getting a BIG increase in the family income, plus additional benefits. How cool is that? And I get to work with really cool people at a really cool company. SOOOO excited!

I'll be starting on Monday, September 10. I even know what I'm going to wear my first day. I'm going to wear my new grey suit. So chic.

My goal is to be someone that others want to work with. Not someone who is better, smarter or has something to prove. Just someone who can do the job well and play nice in the sandbox. Something that I haven't always done.

Another goal is to improve my writing. I write well but labor over the minutia. I need to write well and write more quickly. We're not looking for Pulitzer Prize winning stuff. Just enough to communicate the message effectively - which also means timely.

I will be a solid member of this team for the next two to three years at which time Dave and the girls and I are going to move out of California. It's too expensive here to have a comfortable life w/out killing yourself to pay the mortgage.

At $---K we should be pretty comfortable for a while ;-)


Monday, August 20

A Soft Place to Fall


If there was one thing that I could give to my girls it would be a shield. A shield from the cruelty they will doubtless encounter as they grow up and face the world.

I can't, of course, protect my girls from every hurt. Big or small. But maybe we can give them a strong enough sense of themselves, and the knowledge that they'll always have a soft place to fall, that the words and deeds meant to hurt them will be dulled a bit.

They'll always have Dave.
They'll always have Me.
And, they'll always have home.
A soft place to fall when the rest of the world gets to be too tough.


Sunday, August 19

Photographic Marvel


I'd like to claim this as my own but it actually belongs to photographer Dean Bertoncelj. He took this photo on Spain's Lanzarote Island during a raptor show. It was published in the June 2007 issue of National Geographic.

I love the intense expression on the eagle's face. If you look closely, you'll see he's just snatched a fish.

It's such a great photo I had to share.


Friday, August 17



Interview complete. I can breathe a sigh of relief and get a good night sleep. Actually I'll probably take a nap this afternoon.

This was crazy nerve wracking and I'm not sure why. I've interviewed for a lot of jobs and never been quite this jittery.

The detailed writing project that the final four (Yes, I was in the final four. HOO-RAW!) was challenging but I met the challenge well and delivered quality material, so that isn't a worry.

I didn't sleep well at all last night in anticipation of the interview this morning and was a bit of a wreck when the sun came up. I know that didn't help.

The real cause of the nervousness is that I really want the job. It is a great match for my skill set. The people seem friendly, and the environment appears collaborative. The commute is reasonable, and the travel requirements are minimal.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I should know by next Friday. Wish me luck!


Tuesday, August 14

A Tribute To The Man I Love...,


...and who loves me. Even when I'm not acting all that lovable, he still loves me. Never wavering, never doubting - he always loves me and I feel safe. Safe enough to be who I am without fear that he'll leave or that his love will change. There is nothing better than knowing, trusting and loving this man.

Everyday that passes I am amazed that I get to spend the rest of my life with him. He brings out the best in me and helps to curb the worst.

Everyone says I'm spoiled. It's true and it's a wonderful thing. I do my best to make sure he feels as spoiled and as loved as I do.

Happy Anniversary, Dave. I love you.


Monday, August 13

Cherauckwa. Cherauckwhat???


"Alex, please go help your sister get the drum so she can play music with you."

"Rachel! Don't touch my Cherauckwa!"

"Alex, she won't touch it. Just go help her get the drum off the shelf."

"OK. Ray! Don't Touch my Cherauckwa."

"Don't worry, Alex, she won't touch it. And it's a piano, by the way."

"I KNOW THAT! I'm calling it a Cherauckwa because I'm playing Cherauckwa music."

All righty then.


Sunday, August 12

Wondering Where We've Been??

Daily Swimming Lessons - sooo much fun.
Alex mastering the back-float.

Not sure how much 'learning' is actually going on here,
little Rachel is having a ball.

Alex is really giving this her all!

Too, Too Cute!!

To the zoo where we ALWAYS see something new.

– A Mother's Love –
A constant across the animal kingdom.

An adolescent wondering what we're all staring at.

And the job search is on. I'm currently knee deep in the interview process for my target job as a Communications Specialist. I'm down to the final four with a writing project due on Friday. My final interview is scheduled for Friday at 9:30 a.m. So - lots of reviewing resources, strategies and tactics, practicing interviewing techniques and writing in the week ahead. Wish me luck. It's really the perfect position for me - a solid match.

Oh, yes and more swimming lessons. My two little fish are having a ball.
